My approach is grounded in the belief that existential crises, though challenging, can be gateways to profound personal growth and transformation. In these moments, I help clients uncover new perspectives and apply therapeutic techniques to navigate life’s challenges with clarity, resilience, and purpose.
As a gay man, I bring both professional expertise and personal insight, creating a safe, non-judgemental space where clients feel heard, valued, and respected. I support them in their pursuit of self-knowledge, fulfilment, and meaning across all areas of life. My work combines scientific rigour with deep respect for lived experiences, fostering an affirming and empowering therapeutic process.
I specialise in relationships, with a particular interest into LGBTQ+ dynamics, new relationship models such as monogamy and polyamory, and the complexities of dating and hookup apps. This includes addressing expectations, meanings, compulsive use, addiction, and chemsex. These topics often intersect with broader questions of identity, and I explore how modern societal dynamics shape experiences.
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Minha abordagem terapêutica entende crises existenciais como oportunidades pessoais de crescimento. Auxilio clientes a explorar novas perspectivas e enfrentar desafios com clareza e propósito. Por ser um homem gay, consigo me conectar com mais conhecimento da comunidade. Com isso, crio um espaço seguro e sem julgamentos, promovendo o autoconhecimento e reflexão. Sou especializado em relacionamentos (novos modelos relacionais como monogamia e poliamor) e no impacto de apps de encontros para os indivíduos. Meu trabalho integra ciência e respeito pelas vivências