It's Complicated

Susanne Stauch

Licensed Mental Health Practitioner: Psychotherapy, Systemic Coaching, Somatic Bodywork, EAP

Available for new clients
Trauma Therapy (Hypnotherapy & EMDR), Shamanic Energy Medicine & Somatic Bodywork, based on mindfulness, compassion & acceptance. A holistic approach rooted in depth psychology & ancient wisdom.

I specialize in:

At a glance
Berlin, GermanyAvailable in-person and online
Experienced on It's Complicated120+ sessions on It's Complicated
Your story is important.Feel free to contact me here if you feel that we could be a good fit.
Usually responds within 8 hours

About me

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I am an English and German speaking licensed mental health practitioner (Heilpraktikerin für Psychotherapie), working in private practice. I specialize in treatment of trauma (PTSD/cPTSD), attachment disorders and boundaries, depression, emotional regulation (anxiety, anger etc.), grief, loss, crisis and major life adjustments.

My work is a holistic and humanistic fusion inspired by different schools aiming at a deeper, evolving understanding of human consciousness: neurology and the nervous system, psychology and social context, quantum physics and the mystery of soul.

I believe that we can find meaningful answers to our present challenges in our childhood, prenatal experiences and ancestral lineage. Through compassionate reflection of our family history and our early, formative years, we open up to understanding more about the environment and conditions we grew up in and about the attachment to our caregivers and their challenges. In this way, we can learn about the causes of our perception of self and how we relate to others, identifying our core beliefs and coping strategies. By working through these difficult experiences and emotions, we learn to compassionately accept and love ourselves more fully. From this place, how we see ourselves and the world will naturally adjust towards a more regulated, benevolent and forgiving way of being.

You will find in me a compassionate, patient, resource oriented and encouraging companion on your healing journey, holding a safe space with the capacity to witness even the deepest and darkest as it is brought to light.

I speak:



Allerstraße 18, 12049 Berlin, Germany

Media Gallery


My holistic approach addresses the cognitive, somatic and energetic aspects of the imprints, conditionings and beliefs collected throughout our unique path of life. Stuck/dissociated emotions and self-limiting narratives can be processed, transformed, integrated or released gently with various interventions within all those aspects.

Trained in the field of humanistic psychotherapy and systemic coaching, I presume that everything we need to heal can be found or developed within. Interventions drawing from CBT, Hypnotherapy, IFS, EMDR, MBSR and CFT can aim at gaining more clarity about wishes and needs to take the right decisions regarding the future; activating resources and self-care strategies; stepping out of the drama-triangle and into self-responsibility; as well as navigating through deep trauma work (PTSD, cPTSD, DIS).

Touch is a gentle yet powerful medicine that helps us process and release stuck emotions and traumatic experiences that may have manifested in our bodies. Using the Pantarei Approach, we find those blockages and tight or agitated areas and gently create more space, using breath, movement and focused touch.

The energy healing methods from the Q’ero Nation, Peru add the trans-personal dimension to the body-mind approach of modern psychotherapy, which is increasingly acknowledged by western science (i.e. Quantum Physics, Epigenetics...). For millennia, cultures around the world have worked with our energy centers, or chakras, which hold the key to past and trans-generational traumas. Through the chakras we gain access to our "light body" – the energy field that surrounds every human being. Negative experiences are stored there and can be cleared and healed. The cosmology of the Q'ero also allows us to connect with the personal and collective unconscious (parallels to the work of C.G. Jung), to work outside of time and to call in support from dimensions beyond our 3D plane. I also offer plant medicine integration.


12 years in practice120+ sessions on It's Complicated
since 2024: Pantarei Approach (Somatic Processing)
since 2022: Trauma Therapy, Hypnotherapy, EMDR
since 2021: Resource Oriented Psychotherapy
since 2018: Energy Medicine & Breath Work
since 2012: Systemic Coaching

2023 Gong
2022 Nordic Sweatlodge
2022 Pipe Keeper
(Chanupa Peace Pipe, Lakota tradition)
since 2019 The Red Road
(Sweat lodges & fire/prayer ceremonies, Lakota tradition)
2018 Kurak Akulleq (Earth Keeper) & Munay-Ki Rites
2018 Reiki / Dr. Usui. Grade 1
since 2018 working with teacher plants
since 2012 Vipassana Meditation (S. N. Goenka)


2024 Pantarei Approach Practitioner, Somatic Body Work
2023 Enactive Trauma Therapy, Hypnosis and EMDR
(Arche Medica)
2022 Resource Oriented Talking Therapy
(Arche Medica)
2021 Women Circles and Process Work
(Fiona Shaw)
2020 Licensed Mental Health Practitioner for Psychotherapy
(Heilpraktiker Psychotherapie)
2019 Theta Healing Practitioner. Level 3
(Theta Spirit)
2018 Light Body School / Shamanic Energy Work
(Four Winds Society)
2018 Transformational Breath. Level 3
(Judith Kravitz)
2012 Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training
(with Manju Jois, Nancy Gilgoff, Cathy Cooper, by Andrea Lutz)
2012 Systemic Coach
(European Coaching Association)


Individual Session


Meet & Greet (20 min)


Intake (100 min)


EMDR/Hypno (75 min)


Energy Work (100 min)



Private InsurancePrivate Pay
At a glance
Berlin, GermanyAvailable in-person and online
Experienced on It's Complicated120+ sessions on It's Complicated
Your story is important.Feel free to contact me here if you feel that we could be a good fit.
Usually responds within 8 hours
Usually responds within 8 hours