It's Complicated

Marlon Kajus Lüning

(M.Sc.) Clinical Psychologist, Systemic Psychotherapist i.T.

With mindfulness and without judgement: Supporting clients to retell their life stories in a compassionate, resource-oriented way. Lets create your safer* space together.
  • €85 / session
Based inBerlin
Last active
<10 sessions on It's Complicated
Available online



About me

From my perspective only those who can take responsibility for themselves are able to bear long-term responsibility, creating a more ethical and humancentered environment. As a professional in healthcare, I am responsible for my well-being and to cope compassionate with the vulnerability of others and myself: I practice mindfulness on a daily basis for more then 5 years. I believe that mindfulness is not about squeezing yourself into a strict image ("I should be calm and relax") but to perceive within the moment whats suitable right now ("I accept how I am right now, I am learning to be there for me"). That means compassionate practice for me. My life with type 1 diabetes has been a lesson in vulnerability and balance. Living with a chronic condition that's here to stay, I've come to understand the power of narrative reframing. Instead of seeing diabetes as a limitation, I've chosen to actively reshape my perception of it. This personal experience has taught me that while we can't always change our circumstances, we can change how we perceive and respond to them. By embracing my vulnerability and seeking balance, I've learned to construct a more compassionate and empowering narrative for myself. In our sessions, I aim to guide clients through a similar process, helping them reframe challenges into opportunities for growth and self-awareness.

My approach

In today's society, we often measure our self-worth by our achievements, which can sometimes overshadow our intrinsic value and lead to stress. This is especially true for high achievers with extensive self-demands. I work with them to understand underlying pressures and foster self-compassion. Here I invite you to mindfulness-based stress reduction, without self-optimisation pressure. I have worked with traumatised queer refugees who have experienced constant devaluation. My systemic, constructivist, culturally and queer sensitive approach shows me that everyone can find resources and retell their life stories in constructive ways. The future is unpredictable in its complexity. Our goal should be to nurture a self in the here and now that will be kind and compassionate to us in this uncertain future. Heavy feelings are not simply bad; they often have an important message for us and we can learn to listen to them gently. I sincerely believe it is courageous to reach out and to go for things that worry us. Daily challenges can drown our inner voice, but together we can create a safer* space to truly listen, in a way that’s suitable for you.

Where I practice

Qualifications and experience

2023-Psychological Psychotherapist (systemic) 2019-2022 (M. Sc.) Psychology with a focus on clinical psychology and psychotherapy 2016-2019 (B.Sc.) Psychology and Psychotherapy
2024 until now: Therapist in Klinik am Haussee 2023 until now: Therapist in EAPs (Employe Assistance Programme) at ifeel, Madrid/ Berlin (remote) and Spring Health, New York/ Berlin (remote). Workshop leader (advanced training for intersection LGBTIQ* and flight) for Rosa Strippe e.V., NRW, Bochum Workshop leader (mindfulness-based stress prevention in the workplace) 2022 Psychosocial counselling for queer refugees - Rosa Strippe e.V., NRW, Bochum Online crisis counselling and research on the intersection of toxic and fragile masculinity - krisenchat, Berlin (Remote) 2020-2022 Psychological counselling and group therapy work with people in unemployment - Diakonie Mark-Ruhr gGmbH, Witten
Private Pay
  • €85 / session
Based inBerlin
Last active
<10 sessions on It's Complicated
Available online
Usually responds within three days


Usually responds within three days