It's Complicated

Valentina Calandra


Heilpraktiker for Psychotherapie

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My practice is eclectic, socio-politically engaged, and based on liberatory psychology and feminist theory. GDSR (gender, sexual, relationship diverse). Couples & group counselor. Warm and human-centered. Queer.

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Berlin, DeutschlandVerfügbar vor Ort, online und per Text-Chat
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Erfahrung auf It's Complicated6 Jahre und 1000+ Sitzungen auf It's Complicated
Bietet ein kostenloses 30-minütiges Erstgespräch anDieser Anbieter bietet ein kostenloses Erstgespräch an
Deine Geschichte ist wichtig.Du glaubst, dass wir ein guter Match wären? Dann melde dich hier bei mir!
Illustration einer lächelnden Sonne, die über einer Wolke hervorlugt und Wärme sowie Positivität symbolisiert, um sich mit dem Therapeuten zu verbinden.
Durchschnittliche Antwortzeit: 24 Stunden

Über mich

I grew up moving around a lot with my family, so I empathize greatly with the strife of being away from home and trying to integrate into an unfamiliar culture. I was born in Italy, and raised first in Turkey and then in The Netherlands. I went to university in the U.S. I know how it feels to lack a sense of "home", and to seek out belonging in every phase of life. Helping others has always felt like my calling. Professionally, I have practiced in a private clinic setting and worked with diverse clients. I have experience with group therapy and have helped clients with addiction, mood disorders, personality disorders, trauma, and relationship issues (I am not too keen on placing people in categories based on diagnoses, but just so you have an idea of what kinds of experiences I have helped people through :)). The most relevant tools, perspectives and lenses I use in my work now, I have learned either in practice with clients, or by studying activism, queer theory, feminism, anti-racism, and transformational justice. These have become the backbone of my practice - which is at its heart, a place for resistance and empowerment. I believe in bringing my full self to the therapy room, while checking my privilege, and the various identities I bring to the table, to show up authentically, in an honest, powerful connection with clients. I value warmth, softness, and silliness. Let's abandon notions of "normality" and use knowledge and insights to carve the path of change within ourselves and society. I am comfortable working with clients of all ages. Queer-positive; body-positive; polyamory-affirmative; feminist. Registered K.A.P. (kink and polyamory aware professional). I'm very interested in trades! Especially for tattoos, art and prints :)

Ich spreche:



Edisonstraße 45, 12459 Berlin, Deutschland



DBT: Dialektische VerhaltenstherapieEmpfohlen für diejenigen, die lernen wollen, mit intensiven Emotionen besser umzugehen und ihre Beziehungen zu verbessern, vor allem, wenn sie sich leicht überwältigt fühlen.
ExistenzanalyseEmpfohlen für diejenigen, die auf der Suche nach einem tieferen Sinn im Leben sind oder sich mit großen Fragen über Existenz, Freiheit und Sinnhaftigkeit auseinandersetzen.
Ganzheitlicher AnsatzEmpfohlen für diejenigen, die sich mit ihrer geistigen Gesundheit durch einen ausgewogenen Fokus auf Körper, Geist und Seele befassen wollen.
My approach is eclectic and informed by intersectional feminist theory. I believe each person needs tailored therapy that pulls from all relevant theories and toolkits; some methods are better suited to some people and I adapt my approach based on the individual, the specific problems they are encountering, and their goals. My practice is about self-discovery and awareness and how we can channel this knowledge into changing maladaptive behaviors. A feminist therapy approach is one that focuses on seeing the personal as political. The approach views gender, sexuality, and other marginalizing forces as significant stressors on mental health, and applies a multicultural, egalitarian lens on psychotherapy. I believe therapy is a space where problematic and outdated societal ideas can be challenged, where clients can be equipped with the strength and perspective necessary to deconstruct learned behaviors and beliefs that are no longer serving them nor society at large. My praxis is informed by years of studying queer theory, liberatory psychology, anti-racism, and feminist therapy. I stand by deprivatizing therapy and healing: I let you in on my tools and resources, so that you may continue the work by yourself and within your communities. I strive to create a thoroughly safe, warm, and informal environment in therapy, where clients can be radically honest and experience relief, understanding, and compassion. This creates the right basis for then doing the necessary work to see changes and to evolve and grow past the things that are holding you back. My approach to couples therapy is informed by the Gotmann's Method, Emotionally Focused Therapy, and queer-political approaches to love and kinship. Gathering the next group for FLINTA-only group therapy. I also offer 10-session packages on Disordered Eating with a practical, tool-oriented, behavioral approach. Contact me for more info.


5 Jahre Berufserfahrung1000+ Sitzungen auf It's Complicated6 Jahre bei It's Complicated
2022-present Whole Festival Psychologist on-call 2019-present Private Psychological Therapist 2019-present Workplace Psychological Consultant 2018-2019 Organizational Management at Zalando 2015-2016 Psychologist at a private clinic in The Hague and Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2013 Counsellor at a dual-diagnosis rehabilitation facility in Columbia, Maryland


2024 Essentials of Anti-Racist Mental Health Practice 2024 Gotmann Couple's Therapy Method, Level 1 Certification 2023 The National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine - 'How to work with the traumatized brain' 2023 Heilpraktikerin für Psychotherapie 2015-2017 MSc in Clinical Psychology from the University of Leiden, The Netherlands 2011-2015 BA in Psychology from Dickinson College, Pennsylvania


Kostenloses 30-minütiges ErstgesprächGleitende Preisskala beginnt bei 75 €


95 € (50 Minuten)

Couple's Counseling

125 € (50 Minuten)

Couple's Counseling (75min.)

160 € (75 Minuten)

Low income

75 € (50 Minuten)


75 € (50 Minuten)

FLINTA Group Therapy p/month (2 x 2hour sessions p/month)

30 €


SelbstzahlenPrivate Krankenversicherungen
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Berlin, DeutschlandVerfügbar vor Ort, online und per Text-Chat
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Erfahrung auf It's Complicated6 Jahre und 1000+ Sitzungen auf It's Complicated
Bietet ein kostenloses 30-minütiges Erstgespräch anDieser Anbieter bietet ein kostenloses Erstgespräch an
Deine Geschichte ist wichtig.Du glaubst, dass wir ein guter Match wären? Dann melde dich hier bei mir!
Illustration einer lächelnden Sonne, die über einer Wolke hervorlugt und Wärme sowie Positivität symbolisiert, um sich mit dem Therapeuten zu verbinden.
Durchschnittliche Antwortzeit: 24 Stunden
Durchschnittliche Antwortzeit: 24 Stunden