Jungianische Analyse ist ein therapeutischer Ansatz, der auf den Theorien von Carl Jung basiert und sich auf die Erforschung des Unbewussten, von Archetypen und symbolischen Bildern konzentriert, um Selbstentdeckung, Individuation und psychologische Integration zu fördern. Wenn du nach einer:n erfahrenen Praktiker:in in der jungianischen Analyse suchst, hat It's Complicated den perfekten Match für dich, online und persönlich verfügbar. Denn das Leben ist kompliziert, aber eine:n Therapeut:in zu finden sollte es nicht sein.
It was winter 1979 in Edinburgh, Scotland and as usual the wind off the North Sea cut to the bone as my future wife, Orianne and I knocked on Winifred’s front door. Upstairs a group of eight to ten of us huddled in a circle around an electric bar heater in Winifred’s front room drinking
“If you really loved me, you would also like garlic!” Recently, I was asked one of the most common questions in sex- and couples therapy: “After x years of relationship I find myself wanting more (or different) sex than my partner does. I still love them. But I already started engaging with someone else to
Trauma is something many of us are familiar with, whether through personal experience or stories we’ve heard from others. It can be a single event: a car accident, a natural disaster, or a sudden loss. But not all trauma is the same. Complex trauma is different because it’s typically prolonged and repeated, leaving deeper scars