Supervision ist oft nicht nur notwendig, um die ethischen Standards vieler Zulassungen und Berufsverbände zu erfüllen, sondern auch, um sich in seiner Arbeit einfach wohl zu fühlen. Es kann jedoch schwierig und frustrierend sein, einen klinischen Supervisor zu finden, der Ihren Bedürfnissen entspricht. Deshalb haben It's Complicated alle Therapeuten und Therapeut:innen zusammengetragen, die Supervision in ihren Berufsfeldern anbieten.
Supervision ist oft nicht nur notwendig, um die ethischen Standards vieler Zulassungen und Berufsverbände zu erfüllen, sondern auch, um sich in seiner Arbeit einfach wohl zu fühlen.
Embarking on a career as a therapist is a journey of continual growth and learning. At the heart of this journey lies the invaluable role of a clinical supervisor, a guiding force that shapes and refines a therapist’s professional path. Read on to find out how to find a clinical supervisor to support your therapy
“If you really loved me, you would also like garlic!” Recently, I was asked one of the most common questions in sex- and couples therapy: “After x years of relationship I find myself wanting more (or different) sex than my partner does. I still love them. But I already started engaging with someone else to
Trauma is something many of us are familiar with, whether through personal experience or stories we’ve heard from others. It can be a single event: a car accident, a natural disaster, or a sudden loss. But not all trauma is the same. Complex trauma is different because it’s typically prolonged and repeated, leaving deeper scars