Supervision ist oft nicht nur notwendig, um die ethischen Standards vieler Zulassungen und Berufsverbände zu erfüllen, sondern auch, um sich in seiner Arbeit einfach wohl zu fühlen. Es kann jedoch schwierig und frustrierend sein, einen klinischen Supervisor zu finden, der Ihren Bedürfnissen entspricht. Deshalb haben It's Complicated alle Therapeuten und Therapeut:innen zusammengetragen, die Supervision in ihren Berufsfeldern anbieten.
Supervision ist oft nicht nur notwendig, um die ethischen Standards vieler Zulassungen und Berufsverbände zu erfüllen, sondern auch, um sich in seiner Arbeit einfach wohl zu fühlen.
Embarking on a career as a therapist is a journey of continual growth and learning. At the heart of this journey lies the invaluable role of a clinical supervisor, a guiding force that shapes and refines a therapist’s professional path. Read on to find out how to find a clinical supervisor to support your therapy
The link between our gut and brain is something we’ve all felt. Think about the butterflies in your stomach when you feel excited, or the nausea and loss of appetite that can come with intense anxiety. These are examples of how our emotions directly affect our gut, showing the close relationship between our digestive system
Trauma profoundly impacts not just our emotions and mind, but also our physical body. Whether it results from a single catastrophic event, ongoing stress, or childhood adversity, trauma often disrupts the body’s natural ability to regulate itself. Somatic Experiencing (SE), a body-based therapeutic approach developed by Dr. Peter Levine in the 1970s, seeks to address