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We live in interesting times. The covid-19 pandemic, increasing social and economical inequalities, ecological and social crisis. As a psychotherapist in central London, I have been dealing with these topics in the consulting room and it seems that existential questions linked to the socio-political atmosphere are more present than ever.

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A number of years ago, I attended a family gathering in which I ended up having a discussion with a mother about worry. She asked me how she could stop being a “Worrier”, and we discussed in detail all of her worries and the impact it was having on her.

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In a recent conversation with a colleague where we were talking about trust, forgiveness and other things therapists like to talk about, out of my mouth came a sentence that went something like: “Cultivating awe and respect for nature – and then coming to understand that I was part of the same nature which I so love – has allowed me to finally feel at home in my life”.

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One of the words we often come across during these Corona times is vulnerability. Corona is most dangerous to those who are vulnerable, it is said. This category entails primarily the elderly and the immunosuppressed, but also those who, due to a lower socioeconomic status, aren’t receiving proper healthcare.

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For the sixth episode of the It’s Complicated podcast,
Reece Cox ventures into the realm of multilove. The episode is captivating and only left me curious for more brain pickings, so I wrote not just one of the interviewed psychotherapist, Mathias Funke, but also two other counsellors specialised in polyamory, Rosanna Wendel and Phil Sheldon. This is what came out of my probing.