Embarking on a career as a therapist is a journey of continual growth and learning. At the heart of this journey lies the invaluable…
“The body has its own non-conceptual intelligence, so often overlooked or devalued in the face of conceptual intelligence. The body knows when it is hungry, when it needs…
While taking care of yourself is integral, it’s impossible to hide from the world’s current events. While some are caught in the middle of state conflict, political unease,…
Are you wondering how to make it as an online therapist? In today’s interconnected world, freelance private practitioners on our platform It’s Complicated have…
It’s been eight years since I took my first yoga teacher training. Eight years since my yoga mat has had my back, both literally and figuratively. Having that…
In these times of continuous upheaval, the psychological impact of conflict has become a pressing issue. The Israel-Hamas war and humanitarian crisis in Palestine has, like many other…
Loss can alter the course of our lives, creating a clear “before” and “after.” Grief is a challenging, exhausting journey that demands time, energy, and space. But, do we truly understand how to grieve? Did we learn how to mourn from our parents or society? In a culture with established rituals for death but few for other types of loss, mourning becomes our unique healing process.
Recognizing the signs of depression and having awareness of how to extend a helping hand to your loved ones can pose a substantial challenge, especially in one’s own…
Anger is a basic human emotion, and a natural response to various stimuli. While it can be a healthy outlet for expressing frustration or enforcing boundaries, uncontrolled anger…