It's Complicated

Alberto Poma


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Amsterdam, NiederlandeVerfügbar vor Ort, online und per Text-Chat

Über mich

If I had to describe myself in only two adjectives, I think “creative” and “enthusiastic” (wait - also “intellectual”, “compassionate”, “athletic” and “spiritual”) would do a good job. I am originally from Italy but I moved abroad to pursue my education and career. I speak good English and I enjoy art, nature, and sports. For years I have been asking myself the question: “What is sanity?”, and I ended up writing three books about it. These projects helped me consolidate and develop my own vision and view of mental health, and I would describe it in brief as an invitation to explore head-on our insecurities and issues with compassion, courage, and without shame - with the goal of understanding ourselves better. Self-knowledge, indeed, in my opinion is the most solid basis for a stable life. I also believe in the importance of a well-rounded life and of a healthy lifestyle.

Ich spreche:



Amsterdam, Niederlande


CoachingEmpfohlen für diejenigen, die Unterstützung und Motivation suchen, um persönliche oder berufliche Ziele zu erreichen, oft wird mit einem strukturierten, zielorientierten Ansatz gearbeitet.
Humanistischen PsychologieEmpfohlen für diejenigen, die in ihrer Therapie den Schwerpunkt auf persönliches Wachstum und Selbstverwirklichung legen wollen, um mithilfe eines positiven, wertfreien Umfelds die beste Version ihrer selbst werden zu können.
KVT: Kognitive VerhaltenstherapieEmpfohlen für diejenigen, die nach praktischer Unterstützung suchen, um nicht dienliche Denk- und Verhaltensweisen zu ändern.
I got trained in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Humanist Psychology, and I’ve been exposed to ACT, mindfulness-based therapy, and spiritual coaching. I tend to specialize on the bright side of the human experience, but I am not scared nor against the dark side too - and I try to combine and work with both. I enjoy asking questions that go deep and get to the core of the issues, and I like bold, brave, and creative solutions to live more authentically and in line with our values. Most importantly, I’m only there to support you and sometimes steer you in your process of self-discovery, healing, and actualization. I prefer an informal and friendly approach, but I value professional conduct, respect, and results. Usually I like to start with the exploration of your problem(s), a general life-assessment, and the outlining of a goal(s) you would genuinely want to strive for. I can be empathic and provocative, I can help you analyze a situation in the most abstract and bird-view way, or I can get down to earth and help you strategize or get in touch with your body or quotidian problems. All in all, I want to be a mirror and a voice of encouragement.



50 €


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Amsterdam, NiederlandeVerfügbar vor Ort, online und per Text-Chat

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