It's Complicated

Vera Yung

Lacanian Psychoanalyst

Experienced in psychoanalysis and therapy for people with an international and migrational history.
  • 50 € / Sitzung
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2 Jahre bei It's Complicated
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Open space for new clients every Wednesday.

Über mich

I maintain a practice of psychoanalysis in Lacanian and Freudian orientation, and offer individual psychotherapy for adults to address trauma, anxiety, differences (religious, political, cultural, class, sexualities), and family/relationship issues. I don't work with insurance.

Interested in a session? Please write me

Mein Ansatz

Psychoanalysis, unlike other forms of therapies, is not a method of neutralisation (forcing the patient to accept and become what others consider as "normal", "healthy", or "positive"). These forces and believes, in the name of cure, oftentimes exhaust the patients and left them no room to speak for themselves.

My practice of psychoanalysis offer a space for you to speak with dignity.

Talking cure gives each person the opportunity to transform from a passive object of mental illness to an agent to sublimate our unique symptoms with dignity, to live with what we could not live without.

Wo ich arbeite

Qualifikationen und Erfahrungen

Prior to my psychoanalytic training, I was working as a theatre photographer and pursuing an academic career in the interdisciplinary fields of philosophy and anthropology. Currently, besides my psychoanalytic engagement, I am also working as a clinical social worker providing mental health care in public health setting for court-mandated individuals in settings like the jail and the Emergency Room.
CLINICAL PRACTICE: - Psychoanalytic therapist at a refugee camp in Berlin coordinated by Albatros gGmbH - Counselor and medical social worker at Emergency Room of Mercy Hospital - Forensic mental health intensive psychotherapy for incarcerated individuals - Counseling for public school children with a family background of forced migration AFFILIATIONS: - INTERNATIONAL: Secretariat and member of English Speaking Seminar (ESS) in partner with the International of Forums-School of Psychoanalysis of the Lacanian Field (IF-SPFLF) - USA: Member of the Colorado Analytic Forum of the Lacanian Field and Clinical College of Colorado, Member of Buffalo Psychoanalytic Interest Group - GERMANY: Member of Qualitätszirkel (QZ): a working group of English-speaking therapists and analysts within the Berlin Health administration (Kassenärztliche Vereinigung Berlin) - FRANCE/BRAZIL: Research fellow at Institut International de Psychanalyse (IIP)
  • 50 € / Sitzung
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2 Jahre bei It's Complicated
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Open space for new clients every Wednesday.
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