It's Complicated

Georgia Spencer


Existential Psychotherapist

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My practice focuses on specialising on helping individuals navigate complex issues surrounding sexuality, relationships, and personal identity.

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Illustration einer lächelnden Sonne, die über einer Wolke hervorlugt und Wärme sowie Positivität symbolisiert, um sich mit dem Therapeuten zu verbinden.

Über mich

With a focus on psychosexual therapy, I have supported clients dealing with a range of issues, including intimacy concerns, sexual trauma, relationship dynamics, and identity exploration. My experience includes working with individuals to foster healthy communication, address shame or guilt around sexuality, and create fulfilling connections. In addition to private practice, I have worked extensively in initiatives supporting survivors of gender-based violence and have co-founded projects that promote access to therapeutic resources for individuals dealing with sexual trauma. My background has equipped me to approach sensitive topics with care, understanding, and a deep commitment to empowering clients to reclaim their narratives.

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Notting Hill Gate 22, W11 3JE London, Vereinigtes Königreich


ExistenzanalyseEmpfohlen für diejenigen, die auf der Suche nach einem tieferen Sinn im Leben sind oder sich mit großen Fragen über Existenz, Freiheit und Sinnhaftigkeit auseinandersetzen.
Humanistischen PsychologieEmpfohlen für diejenigen, die in ihrer Therapie den Schwerpunkt auf persönliches Wachstum und Selbstverwirklichung legen wollen, um mithilfe eines positiven, wertfreien Umfelds die beste Version ihrer selbst werden zu können.
Integrative TherapieEmpfohlen für diejenigen, die einen flexiblen Ansatz bevorzugen, der verschiedene Therapien kombiniert und somit individuellen Bedürfnissen gerecht werden kann.
My therapeutic style is rooted in existential and humanistic principles, focusing on creating a space for authentic exploration and self-reflection. I work collaboratively with clients to understand the meaning and impact of their experiences while holding space for emotions, challenges, and personal truths. In sessions, I strive to foster a sense of safety and trust where difficult topics such as sexual intimacy, identity, and past trauma can be explored openly. I guide clients to uncover their own insights and strengths, helping them to move toward a life that feels more aligned with their values and desires. Whether you're exploring issues related to sexual desire, past experiences, or navigating identity questions, I aim to guide you with sensitivity and care. Together, we’ll work to build your self-awareness, resolve blocks to intimacy, and create a more confident and fulfilling connection with yourself and others.


I am a qualified existential and humanistic psychotherapist with an MA in Psychotherapy and Counselling and over 10 years of experience supporting clients in navigating challenges related to suicidal ideation, intimacy, sexuality, trauma, and identity. My career includes private practice and leadership roles in mental health startups, where I designed innovative approaches to therapy and well-being. I have co-founded initiatives addressing gender-based violence across Europe, providing low-cost therapy services and resources for survivors. My work is informed by my training in therapy, mediation and restorative justice, with a strong focus on creating safe, empowering spaces for healing. Additionally, I have led mental health teams in developing client-centred digital tools to enhance accessibility to support in Europe. My approach is rooted in empathy, understanding, and helping individuals connect with their values and strengths.


MA Psychotherapy & Counselling : Existential Psychotherapy (2020- 2021) Postgraduate Diploma Psychotherapy & Counselling (2019-2020) Postgraduate Certificate in Psychotherapy & Counselling (2017-2018) Foundation Certificate in Psychotherapy & Counselling (2016-2017)


Kostenloses 30-minütiges ErstgesprächGleitende Preisskala beginnt bei 50 €


70 € (50 Minuten)


Kostenerstattung durch gesetzliche KrankenversicherungenSelbstzahlen
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Bietet ein kostenloses 30-minütiges Erstgespräch anDieser Anbieter bietet ein kostenloses Erstgespräch an
Illustration einer lächelnden Sonne, die über einer Wolke hervorlugt und Wärme sowie Positivität symbolisiert, um sich mit dem Therapeuten zu verbinden.
Nächster verfügbarer Termin: März 10