It's Complicated

Natasa Christou



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Nikosia, ZypernNur online verfügbar

Über mich

I am a dedicated and compassionate psychologist whose passion is to transform people's lives through hypnotherapy. I feel fulfilled when my clients overcome anything that is weighting their soul. I completed my BSc Psychology and MSc Educational psychology in London and then further my studies from a program that has gained a worldwide recognition as an award-winning therapeutic approach in Hypnotherapy, which is one of the most rewarding decisions I made in life. As an English and Greek speaking trained hypnotherapist and psychologist I work with adults, teenagers and pre -teens (kids over 10) from all over the world providing one to one online hypnotherapy sessions to both local and international communities helping them overcome emotional, physical and psychological pain, change unhealthy behaviours and blocks that are holding them back. Additionally, I work closely with teenagers and pre-teens helping them boost their academic, athletic and performing arts confidence and performance but also overcome school and exams anxiety and stress.

Ich spreche:



Nikosia, Zypern


CoachingEmpfohlen für diejenigen, die Unterstützung und Motivation suchen, um persönliche oder berufliche Ziele zu erreichen, oft wird mit einem strukturierten, zielorientierten Ansatz gearbeitet.
HypnotherapieEmpfohlen für diejenigen, die mit Hilfe von Entspannungs- und Hypnosetechniken tiefere Bereiche ihres Geistes erforschen oder ungesunde Gewohnheiten durchbrechen wollen.
Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT), a powerful therapy based on neuroscience combining Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) which offers fast, effective and permanent results. It is a multi-award-winning therapeutic approach that has gained global recognition as one of the most effective treatments available and it has been accredited by recognized professional organizations including the Royal Society of Medicine. RTT delivers extraordinary change from physical, emotional and psychology pain as it uses elements of hypnosis that access the patients subconscious mind where most issues, blocks and limiting or negative beliefs reside and address the root cause. Through this process the negative belief system is removed, and new empowering beliefs are installed. Due to the adaptability of RTT, it can be used to address a wide range of common issues like: Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, Self – esteem, Confidence, Weight issues, Body image, Relationship issues, Addictions, Fears, Phobias, Sleep issue, Money blocks, Career blocks, Love blocks, Symptoms caused by health issues. Hypnosis in not about being asleep but it’s a ‘sleep’ of the nervous system meaning the clients are placed in a state of deep relaxation, therefore clients remain in complete control through the session. PACKAGE INCLUDES: 1. Consultation call: Before our first session I have a consultation call with the clients so we can meet, discuss the issue that is affecting them and answer a few questions. Also informing them how RTT works and what to expect from the session. On this call we book the appointment for the RTT session. 2. RTT session is conducted, and it lasts between 90-160 minutes in length (Some issues may require up to three sessions) 3. Shortly after the RTT session you will be provided with the audio that is necessary to listen daily for at least 21days. During this period, we have three follow up calls.


Kostenloses 20-minütiges ErstgesprächGleitende Preisskala beginnt bei 120 €


180 € (120 Minuten)

Gruppentherapie Sitzung

50 € (40 Minuten)


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Nächster verfügbarer Termin: März 6