It's Complicated

Kate Zoltak


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I offer support in life, sex, relationships. I'm passionate about helping others to embrace their authentic sexual self through a sex positive lens. I specialize in supporting women, vulva owners & the LGBTQ+ community.

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Wolverhampton, Vereinigtes KönigreichNur online verfügbar
Erfahrung auf It's Complicated80+ Sitzungen auf It's Complicated
Durchschnittliche Antwortzeit: 8 Stunden

Über mich

Welcome! My name is Kate (she/her). As a person who didn't receive proper sex education at school and was raised in a society where sex is most often discussed about as a joke, in a vulgar way, or as something to fear, I've always felt drawn to speaking openly about all things related to human sexuality. This curiosity led me to becoming an intern at the Sex Positive Institute in Poland, which allowed me to explore my own sexual self and learn how to support others in doing so in a safe and friendly atmosphere. Since then, I've completed studies in Sexology and became a Certified Sex Coach™ through Sex Coach U, the only sex coaching program recognized by the World Association of Sexual Health, which teaches a holistic look at sexuality. I'm consensual non-monogamy (CNM), Kink, and BDSM informed. I'm especially passionate about working with the LGBTQ+ community, which I'm also a part of. I'm not qualified to work therapeutically with experiences of trauma or abuse, but I'm trauma-informed. If you cannot find a time that suits you for our session in my calendar, please contact me here or drop me an email at I will gladly collaborate with you to find a time that fits us both.

Ich spreche:



Wolverhampton, Vereinigtes Königreich


Lösungsfokussierte TherapieFür diejenigen, die schnelle, praktische Lösungen für ihre Probleme suchen, ohne sich zu sehr mit ihrer Vergangenheit zu beschäftigen.
SexualtherapieFür Einzelpersonen oder Paare, die bezogen auf die Entwicklung ihres Sexuallebens, dem Erkunden ihrer Intimität oder der Bewältigung sexueller Anliegen, Hilfe suchen.
*Free 20 minute initial consultation available* Contact me to book a meeting. I collaborate with you in exploring what are your goals and needs, and how to achieve them. Everything we cover during the sessions is confidential. I believe everyone is an expert of their own life and has unique skills and resources they can use to improve their situation. My approach is sex positive and holistic. I can help you in these areas: - Sexuality and gender exploration and acceptance - Desire for enhanced pleasure - Effective communication - Relationship(s) difficulties - Exploring Consensual Non-Monogamy (CNM) and Kink/BDSM - Erectile difficulties (early ejaculation, delayed ejaculation, challenges sustaining an erection) - Low or no sexual desire - Orgasm difficulties I practice life-long learning and trust in the importance of referring out. If I know that your needs do not meet my qualifications or you could benefit from seeing other professional(s) simultaneously, I will inform you.


80+ Sitzungen auf It's Complicated
2024. Systemic Work with Sexuality by Intimacy Coaching Agnieszka Szeżyńska. 2022. Attendee at Pink Therapy's 10th Annual Conference: Queering Mental Health - Beyond therapy. 2020 - present. Attendee/space holder/group leader at the SAR training (Sexual Attitude Reassessment & Restructuring). Involved in live and virtual trainings, 8 in total. 2018-2021. Internship at the Sex Positive Institute in Warsaw, Poland. 2019. Participant at ASPEX training (Advanced Sexological Personal Exploration Xperience). 2018. Attendee at the European Sexual Diversity training. Other workshops & webinars as attendee: - BDSM and Kink - The Wheel of Consent - Asexuality Training - Tantra Basics - The G Spot, Female Ejaculation, Orgasm - Women’s Sexuality Workshop. Sexological Training - Experiences of Women with MRKH - Personal Sexological Experience/Education - Introduction to Sex Positivity - Sex Positive Couple Therapy. Theory and Practice - Designer Relationships - CNM (Consensual Non-Monogamy) in Sexological Practice - Attachment and Systemic Dynamics in CNM - Power-Exchange and CNM - Inter(in)dependence - The Cyclone’s Eye – Inter/in/dependence in Sexological Practice


2021 - 2024. Core Certified Sex Coach™ program at Sex Coach U. 2022. Solution Focused Brief Therapy Level I at the Center of Solution Focused Brief Therapy. 2021 – 2022. Practical Sexology at the SWPS University, Poland. 2016- 2021. Master's degree in Warsaw International Studies in Psychology at the University of Warsaw. Specialization Psychotherapy.



50 £

Couple/Relationship(s) Session

60 £


Auf einen Blick
Wolverhampton, Vereinigtes KönigreichNur online verfügbar
Erfahrung auf It's Complicated80+ Sitzungen auf It's Complicated
Durchschnittliche Antwortzeit: 8 Stunden
Nächster verfügbarer Termin: Okt. 29