My passion is to accompany others on their journey of healing.
I'm driven to spread awareness about abuse.
Key words are openness, sincerity, authenticity, depth, intensity, and presence.
About me
My PASSION is to spread awareness, knowledge, heal, and break taboos about ABUSE.
I've experienced abuse in a romantic relationship and it taught me just how complex the wounds can be. It also showed me how stigmatized, tabooed, and shameful it is to be a victim.
The violence of my relationship was, at the time, so hidden for me, that I undermined myself completely. It has taken me many years to rebuild myself. My sense of reality had been disturbed and my self-worth cracked. In most abusive relationships, we build narratives, stories, about the reality which overshadow every common sense. We end up overlooking our own boundaries, adapting, submitting, pleasing and apologizing. We do things we do not want to, because we try to uphold the story of love.
My journey of healing has been INTENSE. It has involved lots of therapy, lots of writing, lots of crying, lots of screaming, but also lots of love. I want you to experience the amazing journey of healing.
Let me help you understand what you went through, find yourself again, heal that devastating wound, so you can lead the life of warmth, happiness, and love that you deserve.
Check my website for more: