It's Complicated

Chuy-You PHOW LY

Certified Systemic Traumatherapist (HP), Career Coach, EAP Counselor

Available for new clients
Systemic (Trauma)Therapy, Career Coaching & Soundhealing in Berlin. Facilitation of Transformation Process & work objectives, ressources, solutions, emotions, body & movements oriented. Français, Deutsch, English.

I specialize in:

At a glance
Berlin, GermanyAvailable in-person and online
Note from Chuy-YouRegular availabilities. Working days are wednesdays, thursdays and fridays.
Your story is important.Feel free to contact me here if you feel that we could be a good fit.
Illustration of a smiling sun peeking over a cloud, symbolizing warmth and positivity for connecting with the therapist.
Usually responds within 4 hours

About me

Together we'll dialog & work on aspects of your life you want to clarify, change, find solutions/strategies for or heal. You set your goals. I facilitate & hold the space you need to be/feel/move/express/experiment/rehearse/learn & grow.
Give yourself time to find anchor, to create safe space & to (re)design your life.

- COUNSELING: daily life conflicts, relationship, decision, stress, challenges, changes, habits, selfdiscovery, life purpose, grief/loss, HSP/HP, EAP.
- COACHING: Career & Business Growth.
- THERAPY: trauma (transgenerational, shock, childhood, social, racism...) - depression, burn out, anxiety, ADHD.
- SUPPORTIVE: psychosis, bipolar, borderline, addiction, eating disorders.
- SOUNDHEALING: Individual or Group

How? Live + Walk&Talk + Online.
Where? Berlin (Prenzlauer Berg/Park)
Sliding scale: 60€-80€ (60 min) // Couple: 80€-100€ (60 min)
Pay what feels comfortable according to your financial situation.

About me
Before becoming a Therapist I used to work as Marketing & Communication Professional at global leading IT & High Tech companies. Then I founded my own business in Marketing & CSR Consulting & Translation (FR/DE/EN), while I was activist for Environment & Social Causes.

During my transformation process I came through many states of development that a human being encounters. Also I tried many kind of techniques (Therapies, Spirituality, Arts/Painting/Drawing/Music/Theater/Pantomime/Dance, Body based techniques, etc. with Facilitators & Therapists) which made me experiencing holistic effects and helped me to get to know myself better. Everything flows and is integrated smoothly in our sessions. Each experience I made as Individual, MarCom Professional and Therapist, benefits my Clients.

Intuition, creativity applied to body, movement, meditation and arts are parts of my daily life.

I am curious about Social Entrepreneurship, Mushroom, Mminimalistic Living & in Small Space.

Also visit: (FR/DE)

I speak:



Cotheniusstraße 16, 10407 Berlin, Germany

Media Gallery


Treatment Approaches
EMDRRecommended for those dealing with trauma who want to process painful memories in a structured way to reduce their emotional impact.
Solution-focused therapyRecommended for those who want quick, practical solutions to their problems without focusing too much time on the past.
Somatic ExperiencingRecommended for those who want to use the mind-body connection to address the effects of trauma and restore natural regulation of the nervous system.
Aims at client's Growth/Empowerment/Self-determination/Autonomy. Based on principles like Circularity/Reccurence/Interdependence/Reciprocity. Reality is considered as a construction, multidimensional & relative, depending on context & people's perspective.
Our Body, Mind & Soul are intelligent. We do things for good reasons: HOW useful is a behavior (ex.: blockage/conflict)/mindset (ex.: confusion)/state (emotion) for a system? What FOR? WHOM does it serve most? Is it STILL useful? Need a NEW way to deal with?
Becoming aware of circular conflictual relationship & communication patterns w/family & social environment is essential. Mindsets & believes shape us. Changing them changes the way we see/do things. The smallest difference matters.
We widen fields of actions by exploring possibilities & strategies. We co-find solutions by activating all Your resources (faculties, creativity, emotion, spirituality, resilience, network, strategy, social & professional experiences).
Each session is unique/an experiment. Trust Your Gut. I facilitate & go the path with you.

METHODS: circular questioning, context, reframing, metaphor, narrative, visualization, imagination, externalisation, genogram, constellation, mindfulness (body, mind, emotion), acceptance, scaling, somatic sensing/moving, EMDR1, EFT, CIPBS, PITT/Ego state, IFS, Arts, sound

I work Integrative, client-centered: breath, blink of eyes, gesture, facial, sound, movement & all other things, that no one hears or sees but feels and perceives, show who you are. I will resonate. I use Intuition, Creativity & my High Sensitivity as devices that I extend mindfully.

I like playing, improvising, experimenting with anything you share. Please join me & allow yourself to play like a Little Child again!

My ATTITUDE: all-partisan, open & curious. You are my Inspiration. I give impulse. You know best what to do. You are the Expert, the Artist, Actress/Actor & Director. I accompany you. Your Life is in Your Hands.


7 years in practice
Since 2022 - EAP Counsellor (Freelance, Berlin)
Since 2017 - Systemic Counselling, Coaching & Body- & Traumatherapy at own practice: Work with adults in French, German, English (Berlin)
Since 2015 - Soundhealing with Tao Lyra, a zither made of wood (Cherry, Oak, Service Tree, Birch) with 48 strings & 432Hz frequency, that I've built myself. Work with people with all kinds of people (Berlin)
Recommanded for Individuals & Groups at schools, universities, companies, family...
Do you want to hear how it sounds?
2020 - 2020 - Jobcoach (Freelance & Employee): Coaching people with disabilities, migration background, refugees, psychiatric issues, long-term unemployed (Berlin)
2017 - 2022 - Soundhealing with individuals & groups with/without psychiatric issues at psycho-social institution (Kontakt- und Beratungsstelle) (Berlin)
2017 - Careworker at Occupational Center for psychological crisis. Structuring daily activities towards normal life (Berlin)

2002 - 2017 - Marketing Professional in the IT/High Tech sectors.
a) 2009 - 2017:
- Freelance as Marketing-CSR Consultant & Translator FR/DE/EN in Berlin (Germany)
- Volunteering as Eco - & Social Activist/ supporting NGOs/NPOs with my Marketing and Communication skills, Member of JCI (Junior Chamber International) in Berlin (Germany)
b) 2002 - 2009 - Employee as Market Analyst, MarCom Executive (F, BeNeLux, Italy), EMEA MarCom Program Manager for international IT- und High Tech market leaders (Paris, Francfort/Main, Munich)

2000 - 2001 - Export Assistant for French famous company from Fashion Industry (Woman Handbags), Paris (France)


2023 - 4 Workshops ("Love", "Will", Supervisions) on "Systemic Bodypsychotherapy" at GST - Gesellschaft für Systemische Therapie (Berlin)
2023 - Certified "Systemic Traumatherapist" at IST - Privates Institut für Systemische Therapie (Berlin)
2020 - Certified "Systemic Counselor" at SG - Systemische Gesellschaft (Berlin)
2019 - Licence to practice as Healing Practitioner for Psychotherapy (Heilpraktikerin f. Psychotherapy/HPG) (Berlin)
2017 - 2019 - Qualification & preparation to the Licence "Healing Practitioner for Psychotherapy" (Heilpraktikerin f. Psychotherapie) at Institut Christoph Mahr (Berlin)
2013 - present - Bioenergetics - Self practice and supervision

2017 - 2022 - Tai Chi with Sword (Beijing/Chen styles - 32, 42, 49, 50)
2016 - present - Intuitive Drawing & Painting (course, supervision and self practice)
2014 - present - Building Music Instruments (Child's Harp, Zither Tao Lyra, Kalimba) (w/Cornelius Wruck & Andreas Lehman & then as autodidact
2013 - present - Dances (Early Dances, intuitive, contemporary, impro) (courses and self practice)
2013 - present - Drawing & Painting (Acryl, Gouache, Oil, Watercolour, Ink) (courses and self practice)

2010 - 2011 - M.A. "Responsible Management" at ICRM Steinbeis Hochschule Berlin (Germany)
2001 - 2002 - DESS/Master of Business Administration "Marketing Opérationnel International", Université Paris 10/Sup de Vente CCI Paris-Ile de France, Paris (France)
1995 - 2000 - Master of International Business Studies: "Commerce avec l'Asie - Chine", Faculté des Affaires Internationales, Université du Havre, Le Havre (France).


Individual Session


Low Income





Private PayPrivate Insurance
At a glance
Berlin, GermanyAvailable in-person and online
Note from Chuy-YouRegular availabilities. Working days are wednesdays, thursdays and fridays.
Your story is important.Feel free to contact me here if you feel that we could be a good fit.
Illustration of a smiling sun peeking over a cloud, symbolizing warmth and positivity for connecting with the therapist.
Usually responds within 4 hours
Usually responds within 4 hours