It's Complicated


Clinical Psychologist & Psychotherapist

Clinical Psychology ● Applied Positive Psychology ● Neuropsychology ●Wellness Education ● Personal Growth and Development ● Intersectional Therapy ●Trauma-Informed Therapy
  • €95 / session
Based inBerlin
Last active
Available online

About me

Here’s your biography written in the first person:

I'm Katheirne Dennis Gonzalez, a psychotherapist and consultant specializing in mental health and social sustainability, with a focus on liberatory psychology. My work centers on helping individuals and communities navigate and thrive within today’s complex social systems. I explore how societal structures influence our mental and emotional well-being and aim to guide clients toward a deeper understanding of their personal experiences within these broader frameworks.

With a background in clinical psychology, neuro-development, and philosophy, I approach therapy from an intersectional, politically aware, and ecologically mindful perspective. I’m based in Berlin, where I work with a diverse range of clients, including international artists, writers, and members of the queer community. I provide a supportive space for those grappling with the psychological impacts of power dynamics and social structures. For me, personal well-being and systemic change are deeply connected, and my goal is to help clients find healing, self-awareness, and a sense of liberation.

I was born and raised between Colombia and the UK, and I've been fortunate enough to live and work in many countries around the world. As a gay, neurodivergent woman with a deep love for the environment, I bring a global perspective to my work. My passion for the natural world, along with my love of books and food, informs much of my approach to life and therapy. Through my work, I aim to create spaces where people feel empowered to heal, grow, and engage meaningfully with the world around them.
  • €95 / session
Based inBerlin
Last active
Available online
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Usually responds within one day