It's Complicated

Ivonne Garcia Albiol

M.Sc. Clinical Psychology

Available for new clients
Procuro alcanzar tu bienestar emocional y sacar lo mejor de ti, ayudándote a solucionar tu presente y a cambiar la perspectiva de tus problemas. Atención psicológica en español y catalán.

I specialize in:

At a glance
Berlin, GermanyAvailable online only
Your story is important.Feel free to contact me here if you feel that we could be a good fit.
Illustration of a smiling sun peeking over a cloud, symbolizing warmth and positivity for connecting with the therapist.
Usually responds within 24 hours

About me

Soy psicóloga en Berlín y ofrezco apoyo psicológico de manera presencial y online. Trabajo en el marco de la orientación Cognitivo Conductual, con un enfoque integrador que combina técnicas y estrategias adaptadas a tus necesidades específicas. Mi objetivo es proporcionar un espacio seguro y sin prejuicios, que potencie tus habilidades para la solución de los problemas e impulse tus propios recursos y fortalezas para superar las adversidades. Mi experiencia como migrante en Berlín me ha llevado al estudio de los efectos psicológicos que conlleva la migración y al interés en ayudar al colectivo de migrantes hispano-hablantes a nivel psicológico y social. Complemento mi trabajo en consulta con seminarios y talleres grupales. -------------------- I am a psychologist in Berlin and I offer psychological support in person and online. I work within the Cognitive Behavioural orientation, with an integrative approach that combines techniques and strategies adapted to your specific needs. My goal is to provide a safe and non-judgemental space, to enhance your problem solving skills and to strengthen your own resources to overcome any adversities. My experience as a migrant in Berlin has led me to study the psychological effects of migration and sparked my interest in helping the Spanish-speaking community on a psychological and social level. I complement my work in consultation with seminars and group workshops.

I speak:



Warschauer Straße 47, 10243 Berlin, Germany


Treatment Approaches
CBT: Cognitive behavioral therapyGood for those looking for practical support and accountability to change unhelpful thinking and behaviors.
Clinical psychologyGood for those who need help with diagnosing and treating more complex mental health issues, often involving assessments and evidence-based treatments.
EMDRGood for those dealing with trauma who want to process painful memories in a structured way to reduce their emotional impact.
Therapists for UkraineGood for those who have been directly affected by the war in Ukraine and are seeking free online counselling.
Concentro mi trabajo en alcanzar tu bienestar emocional y ofrecerte herramientas para fomentar la resiliencia. Uso técnicas basadas en la evidencia científica con una visión integradora, teniendo en cuenta todos los aspectos que afectan al bienestar psicológico, ya sean contextuales, relacionales y sociales. Las situaciones difíciles a menudo ofrecen una oportunidad de aprendizaje y crecimiento personal. Mi abordaje se focaliza en crear una relación de confianza y colaboración que ayude a destapar patrones de pensamiento y comportamiento problemáticos. Así como descubrir las posibilidades de cada situación y las habilidades que cada uno posee para sobrellevarla. El trabajo en sesión se adapta a tus necesidades y preocupaciones específicas. La finalidad es que gradualmente se vea reforzada tu autoeficacia y puedas enfrentar las situaciones por ti mismo. Si te encuentras nervioso, estresado, tienes problemas en el manejo de las emociones, te sientes deprimido, con ansiedad, ataques de pánico, tienes problemas en tus relaciones personales o te encuentras en una situación de duelo o de ruptura con la pareja: sea cual sea el motivo que te lleva a buscar ayuda, ése es un gran paso y un buen predictor de mejora. -------------------- I focus my work on achieving your emotional well-being and providing you with tools to build resilience. Using techniques based on scientific evidence with an integrative vision, taking into account all aspects that affect psychological well-being, whether contextual, relational and social. Difficult situations often offer an opportunity for learning and personal growth. I aim to create a relationship of trust and collaboration that helps uncover problematic patterns of thought and behavior. As well as discovering the potential of each situation and the skills that each possesses to overcome them. Whatever the reason that leads you to seek help, this is a great step and a good predictor of improvement.


Present. Private psychological practice in Berlin and online. 2018 - 2019. Clinical Psychology Center Canvis, Barcelona, Spain. 2018 - present. Author of psychology articles for the Clinical Psychology Center Canvis. 2015 - 2016. Psychologist. Catalunya - La Pedrera Foundation, Barcelona, Spain. 2014. Assistant psychologist »UBinding Research Project«. Universitat de Barcelona, Spain.


2018- M.Sc. in General Health Psychology. Valencian International University. 2016- B.Sc. in Clinical and Health Psychology. Universitat de Barcelona. Continuing Education Courses: Present- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety. Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior Therapy. Pennsylvania, USA. Present- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression. Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior Therapy. Pennsylvania, USA. 2020- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Essentials. Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior Therapy. Pennsylvania, USA. 2020- Basic Training in EMDR (Level I). EMDR Europe Association and EMDR Spain Association. 2020- Solution-focused therapy techniques. Clinical Psychology Center Andainas. 2020- Mindfulness: a therapeutic technique to improve the quality of life. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED). 2020- Psychological problems in childhood. UNED. 2019- The influence of stress on physical and brain development. UNED.


Individual Session



Private PayPrivate Insurance
At a glance
Berlin, GermanyAvailable online only
Your story is important.Feel free to contact me here if you feel that we could be a good fit.
Illustration of a smiling sun peeking over a cloud, symbolizing warmth and positivity for connecting with the therapist.
Usually responds within 24 hours
Usually responds within 24 hours