I am Sadie (they.them), I am a queer, non-binary, neurodiverse, creative being living non-monogamous relationships.
My focus is on the needs of queer, non-monogamous, and kinky folks; however, it may not be these specific reasons that folks work with me. My openness about these topics helps to provide a safe(r) space knowing you won't have to explain them to me.
I specialize in relationships, identity, sexuality, self-acceptance, substance use, and resource building to support mental health. I like to think of these topics as just the tip of the iceberg, with so much more to discover once we go a little deeper.
Being exposed to music making from a young age (I play the saxophone) instilled in me the power of music for healing, which greatly influenced my studies in music therapy. Today, I am incredibly excited to offer you Guided Imagery and Music Therapy sessions, which is a specific form of psychotherapy from the music therapy world.
Furthermore, I believe in co-creation and that you are the expert in your life! Together, we form a therapeutic alliance based upon all the expertise, skills, and tools we collectively bring to our sessions to support you in understanding, navigating, and moving through life's challenges.