I am a trained psychologist and Gestalt therapist from Athens, Greece. My work is strongly influenced by critical theory and psychoanalytic references.
I have practiced one to one and group sessions in Greek and English since 2009, in a variety of settings, with adults and teenagers, sometimes dealing with serious aspects of the psycho-pathological spectrum, while others just aiming at self-awareness and/or change.
I have chosen to be a Gestalt therapist, finishing a four-year training program, as for me this approach represents in its practice some of the most fundamental elements of the well-being. Aware presence, the view of Self as an indivisible part of one’s relational/societal interactions (field theory & liminality), existential dialogue, and inter-subjectivity as the "third party" where therapy actualizes are elements through which, therapy evolves into a fertile ground, where acceptance nourishes growth, change and capacity. Thereafter, a deepening in psychoanalytic theory has amalgamated my practice into an osmosis of phenomenology, analysis and existentialism.
Yet theory remains for me merely a toolkit of ideas, which alongside a diversity of interests in life other than therapy, provides me with the aspiration to enter the therapeutic dialogue in an authentic and simple manner.