Summary: How does a session work and how much does it cost
In the session, I will tune into your current life situation and guide you on what will best serve you. This will include: the Completion Process, Somatic based trauma therapy, Meditation (with practice during the session to experience how it works and be able to make questions) + Mindfulness Training, Emotional Health coaching and release exercises (openness to feel emotions crying or for example punching some pillows is needed), Counseling, Couple’s therapy and mediation, Bioenergetics, Progressive muscle relaxation, Hypnosis therapy, regression therapy, inner child work, fragmented parts integration, shadow work, mirror work, connection process, psychosomatic evaluation, the relation between physical illness and emotional problems. The use of each tool depends on what your need is at each moment.
Normally the price of the first one-on-one full session of 2.5 hours is 190 Euros and each following session costs per hour 120 Euros. (If you have economic problems I do a few discounts to people that really need it).
Each session can last for as long as you need it. On average they last 2 hours. They can be shorter, and also longer (the longest session I’ve had was 5 hours!). This is because the session only ends when the client has reached a level of completion. This is a big difference between a psychoanalysis session and a Completion Process session, as it is important for me that you leave in a state of well-being.
In case you´d like to reserve several hours there are Discount Packages. For example, if you buy 5 hours together it is 100 Euros each (500 € , that means a discount of 100 € in total), and if you buy 10 hours together it is 900 € (that means a discount of 300 € in total). If you get the package of 500 € the weekly Group Support Meetings will be only 10 E each instead of 35 €, for a month. If you buy the 900 € package, the Group Support Meetings are free for a month. :)