It's Complicated

Irina Tufescu

Jungian Psychotherapist

Available for new clients
When we find ourselves in a place of emotional isolation, confusion, turmoil or loneliness it gets hard to find our internal compass. I am here to assist you in finding the way back to yourself.

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Bucharest, RomaniaAvailable online only
Illustration of a smiling sun peeking over a cloud, symbolizing warmth and positivity for connecting with the therapist.
Usually responds within 8 hours

About me

I am a certified psychotherapist with experience in individual sessions with a focus on a more in-depth approach. I am particularly fond of the Jungian model of the psyche and I believe in the discovery of oneself through the union of opposites, as an expression of self-knowledge and acceptance. My work and the tools that I use focus on helping people navigate difficult situations and changes, with the purpose of not only coping but finding meaning in their lives. In the therapeutic process we give voice to the neglected parts of yourself and seek to uncover dormant potential by awakening, within, your innate capacity for creativity and healing.

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Bucharest, Romania


Treatment Approaches
Jungian analysisRecommended for those interested in diving deep into their unconscious mind to better understand themselves and grow emotionally.
PsychoanalysisRecommended for those who want to explore how their unconscious mind and early experiences affect their current behaviors and feelings.
Psychotherapy Recommended for those who want to work through emotional or mental health challenges by talking with a trained psychotherapist.
The method that I use is a mix between a practical approach to modern psychotherapy and the complex, soulful and spiritual tradition of Jungian psychology. While the job of psychotherapy is to relieve symptoms of mental and emotional suffering, it can, at the same time, serve as a stimulus for personal growth and development. In this sense, my job as a psychotherapist is to help you address your own challenges and develop particular skills in order to navigate the unique landscape of your life. Many parts of ourselves lie submerged in the unconscious, thus keeping us fragmented and mistakenly believing that we stand at the mercy of fate. In this regard, I want to help you bring to awareness more of who you already are because through an enlarged sense of who we truly are, we gain freedom, hope and begin to trust our capacity for wholeness and life itself. In order to bring these silent parts of yourself to the surface where they can be looked at and integrated, we will be engaging in a dialog with the unconscious through dream work, active imagination, myths, stories and all sorts of creative acts. I offer counseling for individuals in English and Romanian.


Licensed Analytical Psychotherapist credited by the College of Romanian Psychologists Bachelor in Psychology from Titu Maiorescu University Bucharest Trauma and the Capacity to Feel: Clinical Issues with Patients Who Have Suffered Early Trauma - Jungian Analyst Dr. Donald Kalsched - (SRAJ) Attachment theory and its implication in the clinical practice, Jungian analyst Mario Marrone, M.D., (SRAJ) Depression as an experience of loss and part of the process of psychological transformation. Jungian Analyst Avi Baumman, (SRAJ) Negative father complex, personal and transgenerational aspects, Jungian Analyst Susan Schwartz PhD, (ARPA) Touching evil and Shadow work in the therapeutic relationship. Jungian Analyst Maria Manzat, (ARPA) Self and Shadow in the Light of Jungian Typology, Jungian Analyst John E. Beebe 3rd, M.D., (SRAJ) Psyche, Soma and the Dark Self, Jungian Analyst Renate Daniel, (SRAJ) Narcissism: Between the inner void and the fascination of grandeur - Dr Otto Kernberg, (SRAJ) Problematic aspects of the body: The relationship with ourselves and the impact of previous generational traumas. Prof Dr Franz Ruppert, (SRAJ) Body: Eros and Wisdom, Jungian analyst Marian Dunlea, M.Sc., (SRAJ) Imagination and the Neuroscience of the Body, Jungian analyst Mark Winborn, PhD., (SRAJ) The symbol of death in the dreams and processes of patients, Jungian analyst Ema Diaconu, (ARPA) Animal symbolism in dreams, active imagination and in mythology & the meaning of centeredness in the process of individuation, Jungian Analyst Mihaela Minulescu PhD, (ARPA) Defenses - ways of functioning and possible ways of approach in the therapeutic process, Jungian Analyst Maria Manzat, (ARPA) Active imagination: The Red Book, The Black Books, The Bollingen Tower. Jungian Analyst Mihaela Minulescu PhD and Jungian analyst Murray Stein, (ARPA) Adventures in deep mind, Victor Rodrigues, psychologist, Ph.D. (ARPA) Becoming a Woman: How the relationship with our parents influence the womanhood, Jungian Analyst Milvia Talamini PhD., (SRAJ) Men: Psychological, Professional and Political Perspectives, Jungian Analyst Andrew Samuels, (SRAJ) Love: When a Young Mind meets its Old Soul, Jungian Analyst John Hill, MA., (SRAJ) Children: Wondrous and Challenging – The Importance of Play, Jungian Analyst Audrey Punnett PhD, (SRAJ)


Individual Session



Private Pay
At a glance
Bucharest, RomaniaAvailable online only
Illustration of a smiling sun peeking over a cloud, symbolizing warmth and positivity for connecting with the therapist.
Usually responds within 8 hours
Next available: Feb 13