It's Complicated

Agustín Hayes


Counseling Psychologist

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Multicultural Counseling Psychologist using a variety of approaches to help you along your mental health journey, wherever you may be!

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Buenos Aires, ArgentinienNur online verfügbar
Bietet ein kostenloses 45-minütiges Erstgespräch anDieser Anbieter bietet ein kostenloses Erstgespräch an
Deine Geschichte ist wichtig.Du glaubst, dass wir ein guter Match wären? Dann melde dich hier bei mir!
Durchschnittliche Antwortzeit: 2 Stunden

Über mich

I am no stranger to cultural and adaptational difficulties as I grew up in multiple places and have now lived in six countries. Traveling frequently while growing up opened my mind to the cultural diversity of this amazing world, but also complicated my idea of national and personal identity. This is a struggle common with third culture kids and other internationally minded people.

Being on my own journey regarding mental health has given me the perspective which has made me so passionate about this field. Working with mental health professionals has been transformative for my quality of life, a change I hope to see in those I work with as well. Even though I am new in this field I am currently supervised by an established psychologist specialized in multiculturality and participate in multiple supervision events with colleagues each week.

Even though I am a registered psychologist with the Dutch Institute of Psychologists I am currently a digital nomad and my practice is 100% online.

Work email:

To schedule a free initial consultation with me please use the following link for most simplicity!

Ich spreche:



Buenos Aires, Argentinien



Ganzheitlicher AnsatzFür diejenigen, die sich mit ihrer geistigen Gesundheit durch einen ausgewogenen Fokus auf Körper, Geist und Seele befassen wollen.
SchematherapieFür diejenigen, die aus negativen Mustern oder „Schemata“ ausbrechen wollen, die sie früh im Leben entwickelt haben und die ständig wiederkehren.
My goal is for you to eventually no longer need therapy because mental health-wise you're in a better place. I work with people that deal with high amounts of anxiety, symptoms of depression, identity issues, and other ebbs and flows of life. I provide a safe space for LGBT+ folks and gender and sexuality related issues.

I use an integrative approach to psychology while relying heavily on schema therapy which looks at how maladaptive ideas or beliefs we have about the world and ourselves can affect our mental health. Schema therapy is based on Attachment theory, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and has Psychodynamic/Psychoanalytic ideas. I also use aspects of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) for tools to use in situations where a person is dealing with very intense emotions.

​I work to have a collaborative, and safe relationship with clients to be able to improve their quality of life and allow them to be their authentic selves. I believe in the wisdom of emotions, validating and understanding where these feelings may be coming from and working to lessen their negative effects on you.

Examples of some of the topics I cover include:
- Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety
- Life Transitions
- International Moves & Acculturation
- Gender and Sexuality Related Topics
- Panic attacks and stress headaches
- Family relationship Issues
- Boundary Setting
-Evaluation of life direction


2023- Present
Counseling Psychologist at Open Mind Therapy

Jan-May 2023
Counseling Psychological Intern at Webster University in Leiden, the Netherlands.

May-July 2022
Counseling Psychology Practicum Intern at Webster University in Leiden the Netherlands.


I attended the Schema Therapy Summer School which was an in person five day workshop series to finetune and refine knowledge of this approach.
40 Hour International Schema Therapy Institute official training program from the Dutch Institute for Schema Therapy based out of Maastricht, the Netherlands.
Specialization courses in Acceptance and Behavioral Therapy (ACT), Motivational Interviewing (MI), Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) from Holbeck College based in Leeds, United Kingdom.

M.A. in Psychology with an Emphasis in Counseling from Webster University in Leiden, The Netherlands

Exchange year Universidad Complutense de Madrid in Madrid, Spain

B.A. in Psychology, Global Studies, and Sociology from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in the United States (2016-2020)


Kostenloses 45-minütiges Erstgespräch


75 €

Initial Consultation

0 €


Auf einen Blick
Buenos Aires, ArgentinienNur online verfügbar
Bietet ein kostenloses 45-minütiges Erstgespräch anDieser Anbieter bietet ein kostenloses Erstgespräch an
Deine Geschichte ist wichtig.Du glaubst, dass wir ein guter Match wären? Dann melde dich hier bei mir!
Durchschnittliche Antwortzeit: 2 Stunden
Durchschnittliche Antwortzeit: 2 Stunden