It's Complicated

Inge Marchesini


Jungian Therapist and Licensed Psychologist

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Jungian Therapist specialized in guiding patients dealing with autism, depression, grief, suicidal ideation and trauma. Fluent in English and Portuguese. I offer a free 20min introductory session.

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Erfahrung auf It's ComplicatedEin Jahr und 470+ Sitzungen auf It's Complicated
Bietet ein kostenloses 20-minütiges Erstgespräch anDieser Anbieter bietet ein kostenloses Erstgespräch an
Durchschnittliche Antwortzeit: 2 Stunden

Über mich

I'm a trained clinical Psychologist and Jungian Therapist from Brazil, with 7 years of experience in my practice. I'm fluent in English and Portuguese, and offer counselling in both languages.

Formalities aside, hi. I'm Inge, it's nice to meet you. Thank you for stumbling upon my profile in the middle of a thousand others, I appreciate you taking your time to know a bit more about myself. I have to be honest though, I won't know how to solve all of your problems. If you came looking for answers, I might not be able to offer them. Therapy is a gruesome process where you often leave a session with more questions than when you started. It'll make you uncomfortable at certain times, wondering if you should even keep doing it - it's all part of the process.

That's why I can't promise you the answers you seek, I may end up only giving you more questions. What I can promise however is that I will listen. I will offer you my empathy and do my best to make you feel safe and welcomed. With me, your thoughts and feelings will be honored. They'll be given the attention they not only need but deserve, even if the world says otherwise. During a therapy session with me, you'll be given a safe space to be who you are without any judgments. Nothing you say, feel, or express will be judged. There's already so much judgment going on in the world around you and even in your own head, we don't need more of that in therapy as well.

To me, everything that makes you who you are matters. From the trauma you experienced as a child to your current favorite song, all of it matters and can be discussed in therapy if you wish to. There's no topic that's too silly or irrelevant to be spoken about. It's your space, you fill it however you wish to and I'll make sure that as long as you're with me in a session, you will feel safe. I can't promise you answers, but I can promise you this.

Ich spreche:



Hamburg, Deutschland


Gewaltfreie Kommunikation Für diejenigen, die ihre Kommunikation verbessern wollen, indem sie lernen, ihre Gefühle und Bedürfnisse konfliktfrei auszudrücken.
Jungsche AnalyseFür diejenigen, die tief in ihr Unterbewusstsein eintauchen wollen, um sich selbst besser zu verstehen und emotional zu wachsen.
Klinische PsychologieFür diejenigen, die Hilfe bei der Diagnose und Behandlung komplexerer psychischer Probleme benötigen, dessen Behandlung häufig Gutachten und evidenzbasierte Methoden umfasst.
I have great experience and focused most of my career in dealing with topics such as: autism, anxiety, depression, grief, suicidal ideation, trauma & more. I didn't necessarily choose these areas, I'd say they found me instead - just like how the Jungian theory found me and then I found myself and my practice in it.

As a Jungian Therapist I'm fascinated by how our minds can translate the issues we're facing or have faced in the past into dreams, therefore I work frequently with dream analysis in my practice. You'll often hear me asking if you had any dreams that week, and if you did, to narrate them so that we can discuss it's elements during our sessions. Whenever I ask the ''dream question'', patients try to pick the most fantastic dream they had to tell me, and while they can be fun, I've come to realize that sometimes the most ordinary dreams we have can be the most meaningful. To me, no dream is too silly to be narrated in therapy and I'll listen to them all with the utmost care - whether you're slaying a dragon or simply making coffee in the afternoon.

I often work with Art Therapy techniques which may involve asking for a drawing, painting, poem, and things of the sort depending on the patient. That being said, my main instrument of work is to simply listen and observe from an outside point of view. In therapy, you'll be given a safe space to express yourself without any fear of judgment. It'll be a space where you can talk as much or as little as you want, about whatever topic you wish to discuss. It's a place where you can cry, laugh, curse and feel upset as much as you want, a place where all your feelings will be respected and honored. And when a difficult situation appears and you feel lost, we will work together as a team to figure things out.

It's said that therapy is the place you go to become who you've always been. We can do that together. Don't you want to find it out?


6 Jahre Berufserfahrung470+ Sitzungen auf It's ComplicatedEin Jahr bei It's Complicated
2021 - today: Online Jungian Therapy and Counselling
2018 - 2021: Clinical Psychotherapist at ISU – Instituto de Saúde Unijorge , Salvador, Brazil
2018 - 2021: Founding Member of LAPA — Liga Acadêmica de Psicologia Analitica (Academic League of Jungian Psychology)
2017 - 2021: Member of GES — Grupo de Estudos em Suicídio (Suicidal Behavior Study Group)


2016 - 2020: BA in Psychology, Unijorge/Brazil
2019: Coursework in Jungian Psychology, Psiquê/Brazil
2020: Coursework in Online Therapy: Active Intervention during Suicidal Ideation Episodes, GES/Brazil
2020 - 2021: Postgraduate in Jungian Psychotherapy, IJBA/Brazil
2021: Coursework in Depression: From Identifying to Managing the Symptoms, Espaço Amarelo/Brazil
2022: Coursework in Psychosis: Identification and Intervention through a Jungian Perspective, Psiquê/Brazil
2022: Postgraduate in Autism, Sheffield Hallam University/UK
2023: Postgraduate in Suicide Prevention, Espaço Amarelo/Brazil
2023: Coursework in Suicide Risk Evaluation, Espaço Amarelo/Brazil
2023: Coursework in Mental Health Experiences and the Needs of Late Diagnosed Autistic Folks, National Autistic Society/UK
2024: Coursework in Borderline Personality Disorder and Suicide Prevention, Espaço Amarelo/Brazil


Kostenloses 20-minütiges Erstgespräch


70 € (45 Minuten)


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Erfahrung auf It's ComplicatedEin Jahr und 470+ Sitzungen auf It's Complicated
Bietet ein kostenloses 20-minütiges Erstgespräch anDieser Anbieter bietet ein kostenloses Erstgespräch an
Durchschnittliche Antwortzeit: 2 Stunden
Nächster verfügbarer Termin: Okt. 29