I am a Drama Therapist. Drama Therapy is a form of Psychotherapy, which utilises creative techniques drawn from Drama and Theatre. The techniques used in therapy will depend on what the therapist and client feel would be of the most benefit to the client and is an active, collaborative process.
It can involve creative techniques such as role taking, movement, storytelling and story making, play, drawing, etc. It allows the client to find creative ways in which to express themselves and work through difficulties they might be facing. It does not require the client to perform or be skilled creatively.
I believe that this approach can allow the client to express and process emotions and events that may be too painful to express directly. It may also allow the client to look at things from a different perspective and find creative solutions to problems.
I am very client-led as a therapist and believe first and foremost in empowering the client in their own therapeutic process. You are the expert on your own life and I am a facilitator in you exploring it.