Life can be challenging, but you don’t have to face it alone. Reach out to begin discovering the tools, insights, and support that will empower you to turn challenges into opportunities for growth.
I'm a licensed Gestalt therapist and practice the deeply humanistic approach in my Berlin practice in German and English. I offer broad and resourceful psychotherapeutic support in various gray and colorful situations.
Jasmin Treder
Psychologin und Heilpraktikerin für Psychotherapie
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Als Klinische Psychologin, Heilpraktikerin für Psychotherapie und Traumatherapeutin (Somatic Experiencing Practitioner) habe ich mich auf die Bereiche Stress- & Emotionsregulierung, Ängste und Panik spezialisiert.
Anastasiya Turkina
Existential Counsellor
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In meiner Arbeit verwende ich eine sanfte Methode, die dem Menschen hilft, sich selbst besser zu verstehen, in Kontakt mit seinen Werten zu kommen und auf dieser Grundlage ein Leben zu gestalten, das authentisch ist.
Steffi Meyer
Psychologische Berater:in
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Ich unterstütze Menschen in Krisen und Belastungssituationen dabei, Orientierung und Halt zu finden. Mir liegt es am Herzen, eine vertrauensvolle Begegnung zu ermöglichen, die einen sicheren Raum für Reflexion öffnet.
Licensed Psychotherapist
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I work with Internationals to help connect to their authentic selves, regenerate relationships & transform their lives. We work on skills to relate differently with thoughts, open up to emotions & engage in core values.
Michael Klaus
Systemic Counsellor
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My task as a systemic consultant is to act as a neutral mediator in processes of development and conflict resolution and to help my clients learn efficient solution strategies.
Allan Kroskin
Accredited Psychologist
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An experienced Psychologist with a Master's degree from the University of Aberdeen, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy training, finished Psychological first aid and conflict resolution courses.
It's Complicated is not suitable for acute psychological or medical crises or emergency situations.If you are in a serious crisis and need urgent help, please contact a local emergency service or use one of these resources instead.