It's Complicated

Antonella Herrero Alles


Available for new clients
I am a passionate Argentinian psychologist, practicing as a freelance online therapist in the Netherlands. Soy una apasionada psicóloga argentina, ejerciendo como terapeuta online desde los Países Bajos.

I specialize in:

At a glance
Nijmegen, NetherlandsAvailable online only
Last activeThis provider last logged in
Illustration of a smiling sun peeking over a cloud, symbolizing warmth and positivity for connecting with the therapist.
Usually responds within 4 hours

About me

I was born and raised in Argentina and moved to the Netherlands in 2022. My work combines a passion for evidence-based psychology with a deep interest in multiculturalism, allowing me to help people navigate personal challenges and cultural transitions. I love being able to help others achieve mental well-being and personal fulfillment. Nací y crecí en Argentina y me mudé a los Países Bajos en 2022. Mi trabajo combina una pasión por la psicología basada en evidencia con un profundo interés por el multiculturalismo, lo que me permite ayudar a las personas a afrontar desafíos personales y transiciones culturales. Amo poder ayudar a otros a lograr su bienestar mental y realización personal.

I speak:


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Nijmegen, Netherlands


Treatment Approaches
CBT: Cognitive behavioral therapyRecommended for those looking for practical support and accountability to change unhelpful thinking and behaviors.
Systemic therapyRecommended for those who want to understand how their relationships and environments influence their behavior and emotions, particularly within family or organizational systems.
I use evidence-based techniques, integrating Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with systemic approaches to ensure effective outcomes. Beyond the technical aspects, I place great importance on the personal relationship with my clients, prioritizing their comfort, understanding, and emotional support throughout our sessions. My approach is active and collaborative; we work together not only to reduce distress but also to build a more meaningful and fulfilling life. If you'd like to learn more about my approach, please visit my Instagram profile: psi.antonellaherrero. There, you'll find videos of me explaining psychological concepts and tools, giving you a deeper insight into how I work. Utilizo técnicas basadas en evidencia científica, integrando la terapia cognitivo-conductual con enfoques sistémicos para asegurar resultados efectivos. Más allá de lo técnico, doy gran importancia a la relación personal con mis pacientes, priorizando que se sientan cómodos, comprendidos y contenidos en cada sesión. Mi enfoque es activo y colaborativo; trabajamos juntos no solo para reducir el malestar, sino también para construir una vida más significativa y satisfactoria. Si quieres saber más sobre mi enfoque, visita mi perfil de Instagram: psi.antonellaherrero. Allí encontrarás vídeos en los que explico conceptos y herramientas psicológicas, lo que te permitirá conocer más a fondo mi forma de trabajar.


2 years in practice
2022-today Clinical online psychologist


2022 Licenciate in Psychology Currently completing a Certification Program in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy


Individual Session

€45 (60 minutes)


Private Pay
At a glance
Nijmegen, NetherlandsAvailable online only
Last activeThis provider last logged in
Illustration of a smiling sun peeking over a cloud, symbolizing warmth and positivity for connecting with the therapist.
Usually responds within 4 hours
Next available: Feb 11