What is your idea of Good? Where do you find “Good”? And is this, in fact, the only question that psychoanalysis is allowed to ask?
In current times, effort has to be made so that all content and conversations aren’t hyperfocused on the Coronavirus. That’s why we’re extra happy to present you with…
Distance therapy, also known as online therapy or tele therapy, might become the new normal in these times of corona crisis and social distancing.
Even if you’ve never considered moving your therapy practice online, your perspective might currently be shifting. With these Corona-plagued sci-fi times, an ever increasing part of the world has to practice social distancing, and so it might soon be the case that for you, as a therapist, to be able to continue offering counselling there isn’t any other way than to do therapy online.
During the last 20 years, psychedelic research has undergone a renaissance. For the fifth episode of the It’s Complicated podcast, Reece Cox speaks to Gestalt therapist Mikko Karhulahti about the implications of this psychedelic wave of especially psilocybin- and MDMA-assisted therapy. Here is the transcript.
Throughout my time as a therapist, I’ve had one main objection against therapy. It’s an objection that can best be understood – and potentially solved – through the lens of friendship and witnessing.
When it comes to getting unstuck, drawing a picture of your ‘stuckness’ can provide surprising solutions to help you find your way again. In this piece, the benefits of creating pictures in counselling are explored.