Looking for a therapist in Zürich? Explore our platform to browse through our experienced team of therapists and psychologists based in Zürich, and use our hassle-free online booking system for appointments. To learn how to go about selecting the perfect therapist, read our guide here. If there aren't many therapists listed in Zürich yet, don't worry! Many of our listed therapists offer online counselling as an option. Online private therapy services, couples counselling, or coaching, can be found by using the filter for online therapists in our main directory. If you need some more help in finding a qualified therapist, It's Complicated offers a free matching service, where our in-house therapists will try to find the best match for you based on your individual needs and preferences.
The philosophy of It's Complicated proudly contains both accessibility and diversity at its heart, and we understand that there are many reasons why you might feel more comfortable with a counsellor who shares similar demographics. If you have specific preferences for your therapist, you can use our built-in therapy search filters to find the right fit for you. Search for English-speaking therapists in Zürich by filtering by language in the search tool here in our directory of licensed professionals and discover other filter options such as:
For many of us, there's never a more important time than now to nurture our mental health. If you are interested in therapy to assist you in improving your life quality we operate in nearly 100 languages, offering both online and in-person sessions. With a diverse network of over 1,500 mental health professionals spanning 50+ countries, including Switzerland, you can easily connect with accredited psychologists in Zürich and beyond.
Trauma is something many of us are familiar with, whether through personal experience or stories we’ve heard from others. It can be a single event: a car accident, a natural disaster, or a sudden loss. But not all trauma is the same. Complex trauma is different because it’s typically prolonged and repeated, leaving deeper scars
Practical Techniques for Maintaining Mental Health One of my clients who lives in a war-torn country in the Middle East recently expressed her fear that she might lose her sanity. In her own words: “There are days I feel like I’m one panic attack away from the psychiatric ward.” Living in a conflict zone can
Finding the right mental health support in today’s fast-paced, digitally connected world can be challenging, especially in Europe, where diverse cultures and languages add even more complication. Online therapy has become popular as a practical and successful substitute for traditional in-person appointments. So, the question isn’t if help is available anymore, but rather how to